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Why do I choose driving school "Einšteins"?
We provide the following:
- in-person training in English, in weekday mornings, evenings or on weekends;
- identical cars and motorcycles as in the CSDD exam, both with manual and automatic transmission;
- the most advanced electronic platform where you can control your expenses, sign up for classes, and track your results and progress;
- a student evaluation system to monitor routes taken, mistakes made, and instructor ratings on various topics;
- a fair payment system and the possibility of non-cash payments;
- availability of instructors and practical training throughout entire Latvia – start your practical training in Riga, but completes it in Liepaja or any other city of Latvia;
- an electronic platform where you can apply for the TOP 100 best instructors in Latvia.
In addition to the above:
- we are the most demanded driving school in Latvia for the fourth year in a row!
- we have trained more than 30,000 students!
- we have high statistics of theoretical and practical training in all of Latvia!
- See for yourself on the website of CSDD!
Einšteins team Kekava
CSDD statistics that show our students passed the theoretical part
76%Took exam: 2512 students, Passed exam: 1909 students
Driving school and driving courses in Kekava
Vēlos izteikt vislielāko pateicību autoskolas instruktorei Kristīnei Šveklei par izcilu un profesionālu apmācību! Viņas nodarbības bija ne tikai ļoti vērtīgas un izglītojošas, bet arī patīkami aizraujošas. Kristīne izcili skaidro un parāda visu nepieciešamo, nekad nenosoda par kļūdām, bet gan pacietīgi palīdz saprast un uzlabot braukšanas prasmes. Īpaši novērtēju viņas pozitīvo attieksmi, spēju radīt ērtu un nepiespiestu atmosfēru, kā arī humora izjūtu, kas palīdzēja atbrīvoties no stresa un justies pārli...