Category B

Category B

Category B - Motor vehicles with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding 3500 kg and designed and constructed for the carriage of no more than eight passengers in addition to the driver. Practical training can be started from the age of 16. The CSDD exams can be taken from the age of 18.

Category B

Category B driver's licence is not only your path to mobility, but also to great career opportunities. In addition, excellent driving skills will be useful in many life situations. That is why the acquisition of Category B driver's licence certainly does not need to be postponed. But if that has happened, then now is the time to get a driver's licence even faster and easier. Find out more about the full-time, Category B courses offered by driving school "Einšteins" and pick the most suitable type of training for you!

Face-to-face training for Category B driver's licence

Driving school "Einšteins" offers full-time Category B theoretical training in its branches in the largest cities of Latvia. Students can easily register for face-to-face training on our website: select the city closest to you and the most comfortable time for the training, as well as make a payment or use our crediting system for acquiring driver's licence with “Klix Pay later”. At the end of face-to-face training course, you will need to pass the exams both at the driving school, as well as the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD). Would you like your driver's licence as soon as possible? Choose the intensive training group at driving school "Einšteins" and pass your theory training in 3.5 weeks!

Acquire a Category B driver's licence remotely – "Einšteins" e-learning

Driving school "Einšteins" will soon offer prospective drivers the opportunity to learn Category B remotely through our e-learning system.  What is e-learning for Category B driver's licence? E-learning is a novelty of the driving school "Einšteins", which will be offered to future drivers already in the summer of 2022. E-learning will provide an opportunity to take the theoretical course remotely, from anywhere in the world, in accordance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD) – 8 theoretical lessons can be listened to at your convenience, 3 theoretical lessons will have to be taken in person at the nearest driving school branch. If you have any questions or concerns, our instructors will answer all your questions on the e-learning platform!At the end of the training, you will have to take both the driving school theoretical training test and the CSDD exam. 

Theoretical training for Licence category B

  • Prior to starting the training for Licence Category B at the driving school, you will be registered in the training group and in the database held by Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD).
  • Driving courses (theory training) last 11 classes (55 academic lessons) according to a set schedule in the form of face-to-face lectures.
  • We also organise the training courses for first medical aid. During the training, our students are prepared for the Category B theoretical exam at CSDD. Upon completion of the course, a certificate will be issued that will be valid for 5 years. In the event you already hold such a certificate, repeated attendance of the training will not be required.
  • At the end of the driving course, a Category B theory exam must be taken.
  • After successful passing of the driving school's exam, the Category B theoretical exam must be passed at Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD).

Practical training (driving) for Licence category B

  • Before starting Category B practical driving training to obtain a driver's licence, visit the CSDD to obtain a learning driver's licence (so-called "white" licence), which will have to be presented to the instructor before each driving lesson.
  • In order to obtain a driver's licence, a medical examination must be performed by a general practitioner or at the driving school "Einšteins" in our Riga branch. The general practitioner electronically enters the data into the CSDD database. Pay attention to whether your doctor has included the required category as one of the valid types of vehicles in the registry of CSDD.
  • The number of minimum Category B driving lessons will depend on the student's level of practical skills, but not less than 20 lessons (each 45 minutes).
  • You will be able to easily and simply plan the schedule of driving lessons, pay for lessons or change instructors on the e-platform of driving school "Einšteins".
  • Once the level of practical knowledge is sufficient, you will be assigned to the Category B driving exam at the CSDD.
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Frequently asked questions – category B

Category B is a driver's licence which entitles its holder to drive a vehicle with a maximum mass not exceeding 3500 kg and a maximum passenger capacity of 8 seats.

Indeed, driving school "Einšteins" offers its students an opportunity to obtain Category B driver's licence in full-time face-to-face theoretical classes throughout entire Latvia, as well as to acquire driving skills with the help of the best instructors.

The remote or category B e-learning courses are theoretical training courses in video format, on the modern and innovative online platform of driving schools, eDrive. The theoretical training for category B consists of 11 theory lessons (55 academic hours). The first 8 can be listened to online, at any convenient time and place, and only the last 3 need to be attended in person at any branch of Einstein Driving School according to a specific schedule. Online training is currently available in Latvian and Russian languages.

Driving school "Einšteins" has renewed the full-time training of theoretical courses at our premises.

Yes, you can receive practical training at a driving school of your choice, despite the fact that the theoretical course has been taken elsewhere. Get to know the instructors of driving school "Einšteins" in your city and apply for a driving lesson today!

The price of a Category B licence will depend on how quickly you learn to drive. To find out the approximate cost of training, use our calculator, which will give you the most accurate insight into costs for theoretical and practical training, as well as costs related to CSDD and other additional expenses.

The time required to obtain a Category B licence depends on the skills and abilities of each prospective driver. Some learners can do it in 2 months – others need more time. It all depends on how you plan your schedule and attend classes. 

Yes, Category B textbooks are actively used in the training process. A set of textbooks can be purchased at the driving school at the start of Category B training.

That's right, Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 358 stipulate a mandatory driving school exam – a test of driving skills for the required vehicle category.

Category B school theory exam consists of 60 test questions (2 tickets, 30 questions each), the number of maximum mistakes allowed – 2 mistakes. The exam must be taken in the CSDD online system. After passing the driving school exam, the driving school submits this information to the Road Traffic Safety Directorate (CSDD) so that the trainee can go to the CSDD and take the state theoretical examination. The school theory exam is taken online, under the supervision of an examiner, using a computer with a camera and a microphone. 

No, practical driving instruction may only be started after the 3rd theory lesson.