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Why do I choose driving school "Einšteins"?
We provide the following:
- in-person training in English, in weekday mornings, evenings or on weekends;
- identical cars and motorcycles as in the CSDD exam, both with manual and automatic transmission;
- the most advanced electronic platform where you can control your expenses, sign up for classes, and track your results and progress;
- a student evaluation system to monitor routes taken, mistakes made, and instructor ratings on various topics;
- a fair payment system and the possibility of non-cash payments;
- availability of instructors and practical training throughout entire Latvia – start your practical training in Riga, but completes it in Liepaja or any other city of Latvia;
- an electronic platform where you can apply for the TOP 100 best instructors in Latvia.
In addition to the above:
- we are the most demanded driving school in Latvia for the fourth year in a row!
- we have trained more than 30,000 students!
- we have high statistics of theoretical and practical training in all of Latvia!
- See for yourself on the website of CSDD!
Einšteins team Ludza
CSDD statistics that show our students passed the theoretical part
76%Took exam: 2512 students, Passed exam: 1909 students
Driving school and driving courses in Ludza
Очень рада обучению в автошколе,, Einšteins,, Очень удобная э-платформа где можно легко записаться на уроки вождения а также после каждого урока увиднть свои ошибки и недочёты... Также спасибо Andreju Ančupanu за уроки теории все понятно все по полочкам розложил и обьяснил... Отдельное спасибо Ernestu Daukstu. Спасибо вам за ваш труд за те знания что вы в мкня вложили., спасибо за тот опыт которым вы поделились. Еще раз скажу вам Ernests-ВЫ ОТЛИЧНЫЙ ИНСТРУКТОР ЭТО ВАШЕ ПРЕЗВАНИЯ♥️... СПАСИБО ЗА ПРАВЕДЕННО...